Westmoreland Yachting Association


Become a Member

Information on our membership is provided below. A membership application form is available at the bottom on the page with all the information you need to join...just click on the link. Our one-time initiation fee is $25.00 and our annual dues are $50.00. We are set up to have fun and enjoy the water. For more information preview this web site, email our Commodore at Commodore@wya-va.com or email Katherine Smith, the Membership Chairman, at secretary@wya-va.com.  Here are three members who just recently joined.

Bill and Jayne Woolf joining
Tom and Terrie Knauf joining
Paula Hajos gets burgee

ARTICLE III. Memberships

1. MEMBERSHIP DEFINED. Membership shall be open to all interested and qualified persons 21 years of age without regard to race, religion, origin, creed, gender or sexual orientation. Membership shall be categorized as Regular and Honorary. Boat ownership is encouraged but not required for membership.

a. A REGULAR MEMBERSHIP shall be open to an individual, any party of two, a husband-wife or couple team, or a family.

b. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be conferred on any person by a majority vote of the Membership. A candidate for Honorary Membership may be nominated by any member of the club as recognition for performing an exceptional service (past or future) to the club. Nominations should be presented in writing to the Bridge who will then present the nomination to the membership. Voting will take place during a General Membership Meeting and will be presented at the Change of Watch. Honorary Membership remains in good standing indefinitely or until the conferee 1) wishes to become a Regular Member or 2) is no longer interested in being an Honorary Member. Honorary Members do not qualify to vote and do not pay club fees.


a. REGULAR MEMBERS shall be entitled to hold office, to vote at General Membership Meetings, to enjoy all activities of the organization, and to use all physical and material assets owned and/or operated by the organization. They are encouraged to bring guests to activities, showing them the benefits of membership.

b. Each regular membership is entitled to one (1) vote.

c. HONORARY MEMBERS shall be permitted to enjoy all activities of the organization. Honorary members may not vote but are encouraged to work on committees and can hold a majority of the Administrative Management positions. These members are also encouraged to bring guests to activities, showing them the benefits of membership.

3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERSHIP. Upon acceptance of membership, members and his or her invited guests agree to undertake club activities at his or her own risk, and will hold the club, its members, officers and representatives harmless for any activity, services, advice or recommendations provided.

4. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. Each individual or family, as appropriate, shall apply for membership by written application to the Membership Chairman of the organization, accompanied by payment of necessary fees that include a one-time joining initiation fee and appropriate annual dues. Membership is effective upon payment of all required fees.


A one time Initiation Fee of $25.00 and yearly dues of $50.00 are required for a Regular Membership. No fees will be paid by Honorary members.