General Membership Meeting 2011


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    Coles Point Plantation hosted WYA again, this time for the our General Membership Meeting.  20+ members and guests joined the festivities that included: a low country boil by Gary and Nancy Vineyard, Ruth Lovelace, and Carey Bolin; Clam Chowder by Nancy Vineyard; appetizers and desserts by the membership; fire by the Borey's, Peggy Saylor and Cole's Point; songs by Linda Weaver, and great effort by all attendees to help us have a great time. 

During the GMM we passed a change to the bylaws where the most significant action was lowering our initiation fee to $25 and annual dues to $50.  We also approved the slate for Bridge members for 2011.  

    The boats arrived Saturday morning, the 22nd, and Commodore Diane Burton started the General Membership Meeting at 2 pm. 

    Jack and Ann Southard were presented their burgee having join earlier this year.  Ruth, Nancy and many members helped get us set up after the GMM to start the dinner and party. 

    Still working to get the low country boil on the table members enjoyed Nancy's excellent Clam Chowder.  Gary and Ruth both had a boiler going and the seafood, sausage, potatoes, onions, and corn were soon poured on the table for all to enjoy, and enjoy we did.


    Here is one more picture of the food and the smiling faces of the members at right.


    More of the camaraderie is displayed here and we see our Commodore getting suited up for the cool evening.


    Stomachs are full and we're enjoying life as we move to the sandy beach.  Peggy started the fire and managed it all night.

    As the fire heated up Linda Weaver started the signing.  A nice time.  As it got a bit darker an employee from the marina, David, showed up with firewood to ensure we had enough for the evening.  He delivered large chucks of wood then returned to cut it up for us.  Two members even had him cut two table tops from the largest trunk.  Although I left early I heard the party lasted late into the evening.

Trina, the marina owner, enjoyed our activities so much she joined our club being the first to pay the new reduced initiation fee and annual dues.  You see her accepting the burgee near the fire Saturday evening.

Sunday morning the fire was still burning so Peggy added more wood and Jack carried the last of the large pieces of firewood and placed it on the fire.  Bloodies and breakfast took up most of the morning, then those still here went to AC's Sports Bar at 1 pm to watch some football.

A great weekend.  Thanks to all who made it so. 



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