Float In, 2011


Welcome to Westmoreland Yachting Association


Home Up Plan Fest, 2011 St Patricks Day, 2011 Cherry Blossom, 2011 National Harbor. 2011 Coaching Days, 2011 Flag Raising, 2011 Memorial Day, 2011 Summer Kick Off, 2011 July 4th, 2011 Float In, 2011 Dog Days, 2011 2011 Labor Day 2011 GMM 2011 COW

    Diane, Peggy and Linda - on Saylor's Delight, Ruth and Jean on Rutean Pleasure,  Gary and Nancy on Summer "C", and Phil and Carey on Apolonia made up part of over 60 vessels that pulled in to Coles Point for the 2011 PRYCA Float In 15-17 July..  A great time was had by all.  The marina pulled out the stops and treated us very well.  The PRYCA Bridge planned a successful event.  And, someone took care of the weather, giving us two beautiful summer days with low humidity, sunshine, and mid 80's temperature.    WYA joined a group of other yacht clubs and came in 3rd place in the PRYCA Cup competition.  We were just 1 point behind 2nd place and the difference in that one point was 40/100s of a second.   Fun!  Fun!  Fun!
    Some of the members sitting on the beach before the Friday night beach barbeque.   Carey was just relaxing and talking to a host of boaters. 


    Commodore of PRYCA, Ruth Lovelace, helping to get ready for the PRYCA Cup games on Saturday.  At right you see a group of people at the pool ready to watch the games.


    Peggy and Linda sitting in the sand waiting for the Saturday evening Surf and Turf buffet.  Later that evening, Randy and Barbara (Aquia Harbour members) enjoying a laugh during the evening band and dance event.

    Saturday evening was a blast.  Nancy and everyone else mingled with new and old friends and danced the evening away to the 25th Hour band. 


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