WYA Past Events

Westmoreland Yachting Association



Labor Day at Dennis Point 04-07 September 2015

This Labor Day weekend we held a joint boating trip with Aquia Harbour Yacht Club (AHYC). Boats from Aquia Harbour included: Dave's Dinghy, Idle Time, Life is Good, We'll Sea, Phoenix, Diamond Sea, Nema, The Lady Liberty and two couples in their RVs. And from WYA boats included: At Ease, Apolonia, Hope II, Rhapsody, Our Time and Dorothy Scott.  Close to 30 people joined in a superb event.  The weather was perfect and the company was even better. Most arrived on Friday. Some ate in the Restaurant while others cooked out at the picnic tables. Dennis Point provided the combined group with a free golf cart to use, a fire pit with sufficient wood to run a bon fire every night and a charcoal grill for a joint cookout on Saturday evening. The marina has a great pool and their Tiki bar had music every night. Most of us anointed Dennis Point as the best marina we've been to this season. On Saturday we relaxed, ate, drank and went swimming. Then at 3:30 we held the first AHYC vs WYA bocce ball tournament. I was amazed that most everyone liked the game and the WYA members loved that we won the tournament. Hurrah WYA! Kudos to new member Pete Slater as a real player but most of the real points were scored by our three aces; Mary Ann Andrews, Elaine Braud and Ann Littleton. We gave them all prizes for pushing us over the top. We joined forces and food and enjoyed each others company while we held a joint cookout Saturday evening, finished off with a few drinks and a bon fire, the second since our arrival. Sunday was a quiet day with a homemade breakfast by the WYA ladies and bloodies by AHYC and a few others. We were all smiling. Most laughed and cried at the Karaoke participants who performed at the Tiki bar from 3 to 7 pm. The participants were not bashful, but some should have been. Sunday evening while a few went to the restaurant, the rest of us cooked up left over food and had a fantastic meal ... then you guessed it ... another bon fire on the most beautiful night of the trip. Monday came too early as we ate breakfast at the restaurant and headed home. When can we do this again?

The boats are arriving and parked near each other
The view of the restaurant and pool from the docks
Friday evening get together; Joe and Ann
from WYA and Dan Ferrel from AHYC
Part of WYA group eating at restaurant Friday night

"At Ease" at the dock with dinghy ready
Steve and Mary Ann relaxing on Rhapsody
Mary Ann and Elaine
AHYC boat of Dan and Janet Ferrel
The Golf Cart they let us use
An RV from AHYC joins the party
Every body is here now
Part of the group relaxing
Saturday Bocce Ball
More Bocce Ball
Elaine and Hope
Saturday evening cook out
More cookout
Pete and Les cooking
Sunday morning arrives
Dan watching over the Sunday evening Cookout
Sunday evening Bon Fire
Monday ... boats are leaving ... time to go home