WYA Past Events

Westmoreland Yachting Association



Sock Burning Party, Saturday 25 March 2015

You have to say one thing about the WYA members, they will party rain or shine, sock burning or not. The weather did not cooperate with us and it rained all day long. Although a new fire pit was built by Bill Bowman for this particular occasion (we cracked the old pit last fall – too much heat!), the rain soaked the firewood through and through. So, although mentally our socks were off for the season, physically we had to keep them on. Our hats are off to Bill Bowman and the Boathouse Marina for opening the office, store, lounge, and shop so that we could go on with the party. Kudos to Bill Hall for an outstanding pulled pork dish with all the trimmings, to go along with the many delicious plates contributed by the attendees. We had two other great surprises at the party. Our own DJ, Jack Southard, provided great tunes throughout the whole evening. Thanks Jack, for the sounds. We all enjoyed the music – you know the crowd! Mindy Mitchell was the other treat as she sat most of the folks that attended and drew their caricature for free. You need to check out the caricatures in the pictures of the event and see if you can pick out who they are. Mindy also used her artistic talents to face paint. Take a look at her rendition of a cat on Polly Parks 'face, it's a hoot. We all had a great time due to the contributions of not only those mentioned above but also by all who participated.

New Members
Getting fire ready
Members gathering
Face Painting
Hello Cat Woman Polly
Bill Hall's
Food Table
Jack Southard
DJ and Member
Hanging out in
the Workshop
George with caricatures
drawn by Mindy
Some dancing
going on
We partied all over
the Boat House Marina