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Westmoreland Yachting Association


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2013 March -- St Paddy's Day Party

WYA held its first party of the year -- the St Paddy's Day Party on March 16th.  The theme was a Colonial Beach Pub Crawl.  A good way to get together and meet others from the local community.  To keep us safe, the partakers were driven to each destination by Bill Milleson in his "short" bus and whose crossing guard was Bob Swink.  As the party started we had green eggs and ham, Reuben dip, a verge tray, salmon log, and cheese and crackers for appetizers at Bayside Marina.  The short bus took us first to the Hunan Diner, where the host gave everyone a shot of something that smelled like pineapple.  We stopped by the Riverboat, High Tides, Dockside, then back to Bayside.  Bill Hall prepared a delicious dinner for us.  We had corn beef, cabbage, and so on.  A great time was had by all. A few of the pictures are shown below.  We all thank Jean Yeagley, Norma Blunt, as well as Ruth Lovelace, Bob Blunt and Bill Hall.  Also a big thanks to Bill Milleson and Bob Swink for providing safe transport for all the partiers.

  Some of the decorations at Bayside Marina.  
  Green eggs were just one of the appetizers to start the party.   

And you see the short bus owned and driven by Bill Milleson.

  At right and below are just some of the pictures taken of the partying group.  You'll note there are people from CYC,  AHYC, and the local community having a good time with the WYA pub crawl group.
  The group eating and the chef talking about the food.

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