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Westmoreland Yachting Association


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2014 March Oyster Fest

The first event after the Plan Fest was the Oyster Fest.  This was a new event for the club and 6 people attended; Phil, Carey, Gary, Nancy, Tanya (Gary and Nancy's daughter) and Tanya's friend Bryan.  We paid $30 for advance tickets for an oyster roast that included all you can eat oysters, hot dogs, bean soup, soft drinks and coffee.  Beer $3. Wine $4.  All proceeds were provided to Smith Point Sea Rescue which is the Chesapeake Bay's Non-profit Volunteer Rescue. 

It was a great event on a cold but sunny day.  We had a ball ... and contributed to a valuable organization.  Bryan could really shuck some oysters and that he did.  We stayed bundled up and enjoyed eating everything.


Here is the gang around the outside oyster table. 

  And look at those big steamers that cooked the oysters for us and at far right you see 1/2  of the crowd at the inside tables.  
  But the real oyster eaters were outside and you see the layout of oysters that were consumed as fast as they could be laid out.  The crowd of over 250 enjoyed. 

After we ate our fill we drove to the Back Draft Restaurant for a drink and some warmth as the outside temps at the festival did not get above 45 for the day but that is where we stayed to enjoy the food. 


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