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Westmoreland Yachting Association


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30 Aug - 1 Sep Labor Day Trip to Tall Timbers

Almost the end of Summer as we party at Tall Timbers.  We know many of our members celebrated with Family and Friends, but we had a good group of WYA members join at Tall Timbers for the boat burning, dancing and fireworks; including, Phil and Carey, Gary and Nancy, Mike and Vicky, Bob and Gail -- and for the main event on Sunday this group was joined by Mike and Sandy, Steve and Mary Ann and Dan and Elaine. 


Here is Friday night with Carey and Nancy hamming it up over dinner. Gary just smiling at the antics.

  Saturday morning it was a pretty lonely place as the end of the pier was empty, but our host and marina owner Rick was smiling and getting ready for the boats to come in.  
   Maddy just seemed curious where we were at and Nancy relaxed on Apolonia as we enjoyed Saturday morning.  
  Before lunch on Saturday they set the table at the Reluctant Navigator Restaurant while Gary and Nancy took a ride on Apolonia's dinghy that needed to be used since it has just been sitting on top of the boat for the last 6 months.   
  Early Saturday afternoon the boats started to arrive and Rick parked WYA all together and in the middle of the pier so all could see the WYA burgee.  
  Later that afternoon the group huddled on various boats (here we are on Mike and Vicky's Patriot) and caught up and told tall stories.  That evening most of us went to the restaurant for dinner.

Up Sunday we had another day to relax and enjoy.  After dinner we ran back to Patriot and prepared a surprise birthday party for Vicky who had turned 60 the Monday before.  Gail planned the surprise with help from many of the ladies.

  A bit more celebrating before Steve, Mary Ann, Dan and Elaine arrived on Rhapsody.  Mike and Sandy had come a bit earlier on their boat.   
  Music, dancing and the boat burning followed by  the finale of a fireworks display that topped last years.   
  After the last of the fireworks there were a few who partied a while ... I just don't remember who.  Monday morning some will say Mike was first up but no one is quite sure.  We finally decided that the holiday was over and we all headed home.  

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