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Westmoreland Yachting Association


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September 13 Pizza Party

The weather included wind and rain as the day started so Carey changed the Pizza Party from Peggy's Pier to the Captain's Lounge at Bayside Marina,  It turned out well and the 25 or so attendees had a nice social time and ate pizza from Vinny's in King George and from King George House of Pizza.  We couldn't decide who made the best, so we declared it a tie.


This is the first of the group that arrived, waiting patiently as Carey drove to King George for the pizza.  She was this month's Float Captain and came up with this easy get together for the Club.  A superb idea.  Thanks Carey.

  More people arrived and the party started.  
  The pizza's here and we're rarin' to fill our plates with a variety of pizzas and salad.   
  And we thank the Blunt's for having Bayside Marina and such a nice venue for activities like this.   
  After most of the pizza was consumed we welcomed our newest members to the Club, Stan and Pam Raymond.  They are avid boaters and Stan is a fisherman and they do both on their 44' Ocean named Cool Water.  Phil presented the burgee as Commodore Bob had to head home for an early night as he was going to the Redskins game on Sunday.  We all wished the Skins well...and, they did an excellent job!  
  We brought games to play but the group simply wanted to talk, tell tall tales and catch up with each others activities.  And that we did.  
  A highlight of the evening was when Dick Elmore won the 50/50 of $60.00.  He has been in the club 8 years, contributes to 50/50 all the time and until tonight has never won.  He's smiling now.    

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